Be The Solution


It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to help prevent acts of violence in our society and it starts with being kind even when you don’t feel like being kind.

NETN Trauma Informed Care Network
SWVA Trauma Informed Care Network

NETN Trauma Informed Care Network

Hosted by Bristol’s Promise and in collaboration with the SWVA Trauma Informed Network, we invite the public to attend our meetings to learn what you can do to create a resilient Northeast Tennessee.

Meetings are held via Zoom every other month on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10a – 12p. Meetings are free and open to the public.

SWVA Trauma Informed Care Network

Hosted by United Way of SWVA and in collaboration with the NETN Trauma Informed Network, we invite the public to attend our meetings to learn what you can do to create a resilient Southwest Virginia.

Meetings are held via Zoom every other month on the second Thursday of the month from 10a – 12p. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month via Zoom. 

Talking to Children About

School Shootings

Tip Sheet

Trying to make sense of the horror that is a school shooting feels difficult to comprehend or put into words. Attempting to explain it to young children and provide the assurances that they need may seem overwhelming and challenging.

We hope these resource provides some guidance.

Other Resources…

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